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Candidate Forum & Endorsement Meeting October 9th at 6:30 pm

posted Sep 26, 2018, 6:48 AM by Rich Bailey   [ updated Oct 7, 2018, 6:31 PM]

The Stonewall Democrats of Austinwill be holding the 2018 City Council, ACC, and AISD Candidate Endorsement Forum on Tuesday, October 9th in the Smith Auditorium of theCongregation Beth Israel (3901 Shoal Creek Blvd). Themeeting will begin at 6:30 pm.

In addition to the candidate elections, except for Mayor, which was done at the September 12th forum with the Liberal Austin Democrats, we will also be considering the City of Austin Propositions at this meeting.

In order to be considered for endorsement a candidate must have filled out our questionnaire - see files below (we will have copies of the candidates’ responses to our questionnaireavailable at the meeting). Candidates will have 3 minutes to address the membership. After wehear from all the candidates that evening the membership will discuss each racethen cast ballots.

In order to be able to vote in the endorsement meetings you must have been amember in good standing of the Stonewall Democrats of Austin for at least 30days prior to the endorsement meeting. Those whose membership has lapsed withinthe past 3 years will be able to vote provided they renew their membership,which can be done at the meeting or by clicking here. If you are unsure of your membership status email

The entire membership may participate in the candidate forum and the discussionof the candidate's positions but only those members eligible to vote as definedabove may cast ballots. A 60% vote of eligible members present andvoting shall be required for the endorsement of any candidate.
Rich Bailey,
Oct 8, 2018, 3:52 PM
Rich Bailey,
Oct 7, 2018, 9:51 AM
Rich Bailey,
Oct 7, 2018, 9:51 AM
Rich Bailey,
Oct 7, 2018, 6:29 PM
Rich Bailey,
Oct 7, 2018, 9:53 AM
Rich Bailey,
Oct 7, 2018, 9:54 AM
Rich Bailey,
Oct 7, 2018, 9:54 AM