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Early Voting Underway for May 7 Elections

posted Apr 28, 2016, 2:50 PM by Rich Bailey   [ updated Apr 28, 2016, 2:53 PM]
Early voting for the May 7 Elections runs from Monday, April 25th to Tuesday, May 3rd. The only item on the City of Austin ballot is Proposition 1, which deals with an ordinance addressing Transportation Network Companies (TNCs). At the April 13 monthly meeting the membership of the Stonewall Democrats of Austin voted to oppose the ordinance change. We encourage all our members and supports to vote AGAINST Prop 1.

Prop 1 is an attempt by out of town billion dollar corporations, to lessen our public safety rules in exchange for money. Our City Council voted to institute fingerprint background checks on Uber and Lyft drivers as recommended by the Austin Police Association and the Texas Department of Public Safety. These background checks are currently required by both taxi companies and pedicabs.

Now Uber and Lyft have forced this election and is attempting to go around our city council and has already spent millions in an attempt to buy their own rules. Unfortunately, taxpayers are already on the hook for this election to a tune of $800,000.

Donot forget the Texas Voter ID laws are still in effect. Some votersmay face extra scrutiny at their polling location. Make sure to bringone of the following forms of Identification with you to cast yourvote:  TX Driver’s License, TX Personal ID Card, TX concealed handgunlicense, US military ID card, US citizenship with  your photo, USpassport book or card, or Election ID Certificate (EIC) issued by DPS.

Yourname on your ID must match your name on the voter ID list or be"substantially similar". If you are not permitted to vote or to report any issues at the polls, call the Travis County Democratic Party at 512-477-7500.

Early Voting locations can be found here

Mobile Voting locations can be found here

Election Day Voting locations can be found here
Rich Bailey,
Apr 28, 2016, 2:50 PM
Rich Bailey,
Apr 28, 2016, 2:50 PM
Rich Bailey,
Apr 28, 2016, 2:50 PM