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Equality Forward Summit April 5 - 7

posted Mar 3, 2013, 5:18 PM by Rich Bailey   [ updated Mar 3, 2013, 5:24 PM]
This year Texas Stonewall Democratic Caucus and the Texas Democratic Party is proud to bring the Equality Forward Summit to inform and educate the Texas LGBT community on matters of politics, policies, and to cross train our Texas Democratic allies on social issues important to the LGBT Community.

Summit activities include the following (click on the links for additional information; the complete schedule is here):


Texas Voter Action Network
Campaign Finance Tips for PACs
Turning Texas Blue - Panel Discussion
LGBT Candidates and How the TX Democratic Party Works For Them
Marriage Equality: Update From Inside the Supreme Court
Labor Relations & Workers Rights
Making it Better: Inclusive Policies at Texas School Districts, Colleges and Universities
How to Pass Municipal Non-Discrimination Ordinances
LGBT Immigration Preparing for Future Appointments
Targeting the LGBT Community & Expanding to Engage Allies
Why Is The T in LGBT?
Including Young People Through Social Media
LGBT Friendly Bills - Panel Discussion


For hotel reservations contact the Hilton Austin Airport and mention group code "LGBT" for our group rate of $119 per night before March 15.

Hilton Austin Airport
9515 Hotel Drive
Austin, TX 78719
(800) 584-5091

Equality Forward Summit Registration


If you're old school, click here for a mail-in Registration Form


Rich Bailey,
Mar 3, 2013, 5:26 PM