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Happy Hour & Business Meeting July 9 at The Brass House

posted Jul 7, 2014, 1:44 PM by Rich Bailey
As expected due to the recent Burwell v. Hobby Lobby ruling the Religious Right has mounted a new assault on LGBTQ progress.  That is why the Stonewall Democrats of Austin are inviting you to attend our July Happy Hour and Business meeting at The Brass House (115 San Jacinto Blvd) beginning at 6:30 pm.

We are fighting back. Come hear the latest at our next Happy Hour and business meeting, this Wednesday July 9th. Details and RSVP here.

This meeting will cover:

LGBTQ Community Roundtable results
TDP Platform first-ever LGBTQ section
10-1 Candidate Questionnaire and Interview/Endorsement Dates
In the meantime:

Do you know your 10-1 Council District? (Precincts can be split between Districts).  Verify it here.
Want to Impress your friends with an up-to-date City Council Candidate list and related information? It's here.