The Stonewall Democrats of Austin will hold their monthly meeting on Wednesday, September 9th at Cafe Express (3418 N. Lamar Blvd). The meeting will begin at 6:30 pm.The proposed agenda is below. 1.        Discussion of Executive Committee meeting at Lake LBJ. 2.        Discussion and possible vote on Climate Change Resolution sponsored by the Texas Drought Project.            Statement -            Resolution - 3.        Courtesy visit by attorney Olivia Ruiz (part-time Municipal Court Judge seeking full-time appointment to this position by the Austin City Council). 4.        Visit and briefing by Tyler Buckingham representing New Courts for Families, the bond campaign to build a new Civil and Family Courthouse for Travis County. More here: 5.        Report on the Glen Maxey Roast/Chris Riley Fundraiser. 6.        Report on Pride Parade & Festival. |
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