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TCDP/OFA Holiday Party on Dec. 15

posted Dec 1, 2011, 7:48 AM by Rich Bailey   [ updated Dec 1, 2011, 7:49 AM]
This Thanksgiving miracle was a great beginning to the holiday season. I’m excited to be hosting the TCDP & OFA Holiday Party at my house (1403 E. 2nd St) on December 15th from 6:00 to 8:00 pm. Please mark your calendars and plan to come! Together with our State House Democratic delegation and Senator Watson as our honorary hosts, we will celebrate the season and help our less fortunate neighbors at the same time. Here is a link to the invitation:

In that spirit, I hope you will join me in helping the homeless through donations to the Trinity Center. Located at 7th and Trinity Streets downtown, this small-budget but hard-working group was founded with funds bequeathed through the Barbara Jordan Foundation and with the guiding hands of our longtime Democratic friends, Diana and Doug Bell. The Center provides breakfast, clothing, computer training, counseling and other basic services to thousands of people every year.

You can find their donation “wish list” below, and you can either drop them off at our office at 1311 E. Sixth Street between 9 a.m. and 6 p.m. Monday through Friday, or bring them to the party. These are simple requests but can make the difference between life and death for people living on the streets.

*Knit gloves/hats
*Tube socks
*Sleeping bags (new or gently used)
*Checks (made out to Trinity Center)

Andy Brown
Travis County Democratic Party