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Volunteers needed at Pride events this weekend

posted Sep 19, 2012, 8:28 AM by Rich Bailey
Stonewall Democrats of Austin at Austin Pride!

Stonewall Democrats and the Travis County Democratic Party are looking for volunteers to assist with voter registration and pledges to vote early from attendees at the Austin Pride Festival and the Pride Parade this Saturday, September 22nd.

If you are a Volunteer Deputy Voter Registrar, please sign up to assist at this link (scroll down to the Pride events):

If you wish to help at the Stonewall booth, please email us to schedule a shift to  Celia Israel at:

Volunteers at the booth will assist with voter registration and asking people to sign "Come Out and Vote" pledge cards.  These pledges are to vote early on Saturday, October 27th along with thousands of other LGBT Texans.

Glen Maxey
President, Stonewall Democrats of Austin