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Endorsement Procedures








In accordancewith Article VII of the Bylaws of the Stonewall Democrats of Austin theEndorsement Committee shall draft a questionnaire to be used in the endorsementprocess. The Endorsement Committee shall send the questionnaire to allcandidates, shall inform candidates of the opportunity to appear at a scheduledforum, and shall fully publicize the candidate forum to the general membershipand the public.


The EndorsementCommittee Chair shall preside over the candidate forum and the endorsementproceedings in accordance with rules determined by the Chair and approved bythe Board. Copies of the rules shall be available at the endorsement meeting.The rules shall state that a candidate must provide a signed questionnaire anddeclare themselves to be a Democrat in order to be eligible for endorsement,and multiple copies of the completed questionnaire shall be made available tothe membership at the endorsement meeting. Other terms of the rules may notconflict with any provision of the Bylaws.


In order to beeligible to vote in an endorsement meeting, members must be in good standing asdefined by Article IV, Section 1 of the SDA Bylaws and have been a member forat least 30 days prior to the endorsement meeting or renewed their membershipwithin 30 days of the endorsement meeting.


The followingstanding rules shall govern procedures for endorsements before partisan,non-partisan and special elections.


A.  The procedure for partisan elections shall beas follows:


1.    The entiremembership may participate in the candidate forum and the discussion of thecandidate's positions but only those members eligible to vote as defined abovemay cast ballots. A 60% vote ofeligible members present and voting shall be required for the endorsement ofany candidate. Should no candidate receive 60%of the votes cast in a particular race, a motion may be made to approve a dualendorsement in that race. Such motion shall name the candidates proposed formultiple endorsement and such motion shall require a 60% vote of eligible members to be successful.


2.    The membershipmay vote whether to approve all prior endorsements or make additionalendorsements in a run-off election at the general membership meeting or specialmeeting immediately following any election resulting in a run-off. Anendorsement may be approved or made with a 60%vote of the eligible members present and voting.


3.    Endorsementmade for the primary elections extend to the general election. In the eventcandidates who received the Stonewall Endorsement are defeated in the primaryelection, prior to the general election, the full membership may meet toconsider endorsement of candidates for the general election. A 60% vote of eligible members presentand voting shall be required for the endorsement of any candidate.


4.    TheEndorsement Committee Chair shall determine whether additional questionnairesor an additional candidate forum is necessary or appropriate prior to a run-offelection of the general election, subject to approval by the Board.


B.  The procedure for non-partisan and specialelections shall be as follows:


1.    The entiremembership may participate in the candidate forum and the discussion of thecandidate's positions but only those members eligible to vote as defined abovemay cast ballots. A 60% vote ofeligible members present and voting shall be required for the endorsement ofany candidate. Should no candidate receive 60%of the votes cast in a particular race, a motion may be made to approve a dualendorsement in that race. Such motion shall name the candidates proposed formultiple endorsement and such motion shall require a 60% vote of eligible to be successful.


2.    The membershipshall vote whether to approve all prior endorsements or make additionalendorsements in a run-off election at the general membership meeting or specialmeeting immediately following any election resulting in a run-off. Anendorsement may be approved or made with a 60%vote of the members present and voting.


3.    TheEndorsement Committee Chair shall determine whether additional questionnairesor an additional candidate forum is necessary or appropriate prior to a run-offelection, subject to approval by the Board.


C. If exceptional circumstances call into question the appropriateness ofan endorsement, a special meeting may be called to consider whether theendorsement should be withdrawn.  Theendorsement shall be withdrawn upon a 60%vote for withdrawal of the eligible members present and voting.


D. The Endorsement Committee Chair shall promptly inform each participatingcandidate whether the candidate received an endorsement.  The Endorsement Committee Chair shall reviewthe election results at the general membership meeting immediately followingany election.

Rich Bailey,
Aug 14, 2014, 2:08 PM